Chronic Pain vs ACUPUNCTURE
Chances are, even if you have never experienced the fast and affordable relief of Durango acupuncturists, you are aware of acupuncture as being a form of pain treatment and pain management. However, few people are aware of why coming to Durango Acupuncture is among the top choice for more patients suffering from chronic pain.
Those with lingering pain issues and diseases know that comfort is hard to come by, especially without some form of expensive prescription drug or invasive treatment options. If you are looking for acupuncture in Durango Co, you have arrived. Some experience almost immediate relief with this unique, safe treatment choice, while others may need more support. Each situation requires different care and treatment. See Caleb for care.
Other techniques may be utilized as well, such as electrical stimulation acupuncture, cupping and Gua Sha. Caleb also uses the Pain Neutralization Technique (PNT). This forces the body’s nervous system to work harder, providing natural relief and releasing tension pressing against bundles of nerves.
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Acupuncture works
The reason that Caleb is considered one of the best local acupuncturists in Durango is his ability to provide chronic pain sufferers with a better choice in relief. The process is known to release endorphins at the insertion site, as well as triggering the release of serotonin. Between the two naturally occurring chemicals produced solely by the patient’s brain, your body will release tension, promote better, faster healing, and set you into a more positive mind frame.
If you are struggling to find a better treatment for your chronic pain, Durango Acupuncture offers the best treatment in Durango Colorado. Call today and schedule your appointment with us.
Acupuncture Stimulates
the Body's natural ability
to heal itself.
Acupuncture relieved my headaches of 13 years better than anything I tried. The relief I got from Caleb’s treatments was immense.
~ John Avery
I had absolutely intense shingles pain. After acupuncture the pain decreased and within one week I was pain-free.
~ Jeanne Bandy
Caleb, I just want to thank you for helping me get through my injury to my neck and shoulder. I fell so blessed to have almost fully recovered from a disc herniation with just alternative methods of healing. I am back to all my normal activities and have no pain, numbness or tingling. I am truly grateful for your help with my pain and healing process!
~ Gretchen Hepburn